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Urgent Care Centers (Call for Hours)

응급치료센터 (진료시간은 전화로 확인하세요)

Visit an urgent care center when you cannot get an appointment with your doctor and you have an urgent non-life-threatening medical need. 응급치료센터는 의사의 진료예약이 없거나 생명이 위급하지 않은 급한 상황일 경우 방문하실 수 있습니다.

Please note that these Urgent Care Centers are not owned and operated by Seoul Medical Group and their hours/availability are subject to change. Please call the UCC directly for more information. 아래 나열된 응급치료센터는 서울메디칼 그룹에서 운영하는 시설이 아니기에 운영시간등이 다소 차이가 있을 수 있습니다. 방문하시기 전에 전화로 확인하시기 바랍니다.

Please follow-up with your doctor after any Urgent Care/ER visit or hospital stay. Your doctor knows you best and will work with you to monitor and manage your conditions to keep you in the best possible health. 응급치료센터나 응급실 방문 또는 병원에 입원하신 후에는 꼭 주치의를 만나시기 바랍니다. 주치의가 본인의 건강상태를 제일 잘 알고 있기에 환자 본인과 함께 치료상황을 확인하여 건강을 되찾을 수 있도록 최선을 다 할 것입니다.

OC Urgent Care Medical Group Inc. - Foothill Ranch
(949) 297-3888
OC Urgent Care Medical Group Inc - Huntington Beach-North
(714) 373-2400 Fax: (714) 683-0645
Olive Urgent Care & Medical Aesthetics
(714) 752 6273

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Quest Diagnostics – (All Locations)

For a service location near you:

Call (866) 697-8378 or

visit Quest Diagnostics Website

Radiology Services

(818) 616-6538 Fax: (818) 342-0303
(818) 616-6538 Fax: (818) 342-0303
(818) 782-3255
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Member Information 멤버를 위한 정보

Seoul Medical Group is a network of independent community physicians who share a vision of improving the health and well-being of patients.  A large network of contracted Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) and Specialists work together to provide total medical services.

서울 메디칼 그룹은 환자의 건강과 행복한 삶을 위한 최고의 의료서비스를 제공하자는 신념을 가진 의료진들로 구성된 남가주 최대의 메디칼 그룹입니다. 최고의 주치의와 전문의들이 환자를 위한 종합 의료서비스를 제공해 드립니다.


Choosing the right Medical Group and Primary Care Physician (PCP) for your care is very important.  Your PCP is your primary doctor who will manage most of your care and will be who you see for your annual check-up and any routine care needed.  If specialty care, lab tests or other services are needed, your PCP will coordinate with Seoul Medical Group’s contracted network of specialist physicians, facilities and other healthcare providers for these services.

자신에게 맞는 메디칼 그룹과 주치의를 선택하는 것은 건강을 지키는데 있어 제일 중요한 필수 요소입니다. 주치의는 당신의 건강한 삶을 위하여 예방 건강 검진, 혈액검사, 그외 주요 질환의  예방 검사등을 통해 건강상태를 꼼꼼히 확인합니다. 환자의 질병에 대해 정확한 진단과 치료를 위하여 서울 메디칼 그룹에 속한 전문의, 의료시설, 병원과 함께 최고의 의료서비스를 제공해 드립니다.


When needed, fast referrals support both patients and physician offices.  For easy member access, many services are available through Direct Referrals. 

환자와 의료진 모두를 위해서 허락서가 신속히 진행됩니다. 환자 분들을 위한 의료서비스가 더 빨리 제공될 수 있도록 대부분의 허락서가 신청 즉시 발급됩니다.


If an authorization is needed, your PCP office will send a request to Seoul Medical Group’s Utilization Management Department for approval.  A quick and easy authorization process helps 60% of authorizations to be auto approved, an urgent authorization to be completed within 2 hours and 90% of standard authorizations to be completed within 48 hours.

주치의 사무실에서 허락서를 신청하면 서울 메디칼 그룹에서 승인절차를 진행합니다. 60% 이상의 허락서는 신청 즉시 승인이 되고, 생명이 위급한 허락서일 경우에는 2시간안에 승인절차가 완료되며, 90% 이상의 허락서들은 최소 48시간안에 승인절차를 마칩니다.


If you have a question about a referral or need to inquire on the status of an authorization request, you can contact your PCP office or call Seoul Medical Group’s Customer Service department at (213) 389-0077 or (800) 611-9862.

만일 허락서 승인여부에 관하여 알고 싶으시거나 궁금한 점이 있으시면 본인의 주치의 사무실로 문의하시거나 서울 메디칼 그룹의 고객상담실 전화 213-389-0077 또는 800-611-9862 로 문의 하시기 바랍니다.


A Multilingual Customer Service Department is staffed by a knowledgeable and experienced team who help members receive a rapid resolution when calling with minimal hold time.

이중언어가 가능한 고객상담실 직원들이 여러분들의 궁금증을 해결해 드립니다.

How to Join Seoul Medical Group

Patients interested in joining Seoul Medical Group should call either (213) 389-0077 or [toll-free] (800) 611-9862 to learn more about choosing a Primary Care Physician with Seoul Medical Group.

Information for Individuals Over 65 Years

If you are over 65, you may be eligible for Medicare. Please visit the following website for more information: (Medicare) (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) (coordinated care information for people with both Medicare and Medi-Cal – dual eligibles)

State of California Department of Aging - Senior Information Line (800) 510-2020
Alzeimer's Association (800) 272-3900
In-Home Supportive Services Application Registry (888) 944-4477
LA County Elder Abuse Hotline (877) 477-3646
LA County Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (800) 334-9473
Orange County Office on Aging (714) 480-6450

When to Use an Urgent Care

Your doctor's office is your first option for non-emergencies. If you can't reach your doctor or need non-emergency care outside of regular office hours, urgent care centers are a great option. Your health plan may also offer an after-hours nurse hotline. If you believe you are experiencing a health emergency, or you think you could put your life or health at serious risk by delaying care, always call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room.

Life-threatening Emergency? Call 911

or go to the nearest hospital emergency room

Please note that these Urgent Care Centers are not owned and operated by Seoul Medical Group and their hours/availability are subject to change. Please call the UCC directly for more information.

Always follow-up with your doctor after any Urgent Care/ER visit or hospital stay.